Andrew Wilson's Blog

{ ... Plan - Architect - Develop - Reflect - Improve - Repeat ... }

Azure API Management | Subscription Contract Names

Problem Space Subscriptions are a nice and easy method of securing your APIs in APIM, however as I bumped into a small detail around their use the other day, I thought it wise to note it down. When a Subscription Key is required on an API, as an invoker I will need to provide either a Header or a Parameter to my request which will contain the Subscription Key. By default:

Azure API Management | API Mocking

Problem Space: I have been recently looking into setting up some APIs within API Management. I do not currently have any backing services to hook the API’s to and I would like to decouple development of the front end systems from the backend. Thankfully Azure API Management has provided the ability to create mocks for your API’s. In this post I will be walking through API mocking and how to achieve this within Bicep Templates for deployment.

Azure API Management | Purge Soft-Deleted Instance

Problem Space: Around June 2020 a change was made to Azure API Management whereby any deletion of the instance via the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, and REST API version 2020-06-01-preview or later will result in the instance being soft-deleted. This is to allow for recoverability of a recently deleted API Management instance, and therefore protecting against accidental deletion of the instance. The problem with this is that not all the Azure Resource Management tooling currently supports the management of soft deleted API Management Instances.