Andrew Wilson's Blog

{ ... Plan - Architect - Develop - Reflect - Improve - Repeat ... }

Bicep | Existing Resource Dependencies

Background The Bicep existing keyword is a powerful capability that allows us to reference a resource that wasn’t deployed as part of the current Bicep file. One of the typical use cases that I often see is where a resource is deployed as part of a module called by the parent template, the resource that was deployed as part of the module is then required later in the parent template and therefore an existing resource definition is used.

Bicep | Prevent a Nasty Refactor with Function Namespaces

Problem Space There have been few times where I have landed into this particular predicament whereby either by my own doing or through the use of another’s code base, a deep nested or thoroughly utilised (parameter/variable/or other defined item) has been created with the same name as a Bicep function. As by Murphy’s law, its only once you have reached this point of no return that you realise that your items name conflicts.